Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Primer Dia en El Salvador

Arriving in Comalapa was like a dream. 23 years have gone by sine I last set foot in El Salvador. I couldn't help but see familiar faces. I didn't know anyone but I kept being reminded of my family and friends from El Salvador. I was a bit tired from not sleeping the night before worrying about my trip to El Salvador. Most of my worry came from my mother who to this day thinks that El Salvador is not safe at all. Part of this worry was heightened by the high homicide rate the country is going through. In spite of my worries I was in Comalapa airport going through customs. After an hour I finally made it out to meet with Mauricio, a Colima Project Staff. Mauricio and I talked about vegetarianism, ES gangs politics and Art/Technology. We stopped by the outskirts of San Salvador to visit one of his friends. The friend was not around so we had a espumado ( smoothie). We talked with the vendors and relaxed. As we talked I couldn't help but stare at the landscape and people and think back to my last time here when I was 6 years old. The landscape seemed more beautiful than before so hilly and green. We finally arrived in San Salvador to Jimenas house. I was so tired. I walked over to MetroCenter (megamall) in San Salvador. I couldn't believe how Americanized ES has become. KFC, McDonalds, Tony Romas the list goes on and on. I don't like it, I wanted to get away from this.

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